[Salon] Finding The Right Words On Gaza

Finding The Right Words On Gaza

March 08, 2024

Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China, has found the right words to describe the ongoing genocide in Gaza:

Chinese foreign minister calls war in Gaza a 'disgrace for civilisation' - AFP / Le Monde, Mar 3 2023

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, March 7, called Israel's war in Gaza a "disgrace for civilization" and reiterated Beijing's calls for an "immediate ceasefire."

"It is a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization that today, in the 21st century, this humanitarian disaster cannot be stopped," Wang told journalists at a press conference.

A disgrace for civilization is also anyone, starting with Joe Biden, who supports the slaughter of the people of Gaza.

Why are ISIS like fanatics like this guy allowed to have any public function or say?

Head of Yeshiva Seder in Jaffa: According to the Halakhic Principle-Kill everyone in Gaza, even babies - ynet.co.il, Mar 8 2024 (machine translation)

The head of the Seder yeshiva in Jaffa, whose students serve in the IDF after their studies there, said at a conference of Seder yeshiva held yesterday (Thursday) that according to the halakhic principle, all residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing." 
"It's either you – or them," Rabbi Maley added. "No soul shall live on the basis of 'Bring to kill you – bring to kill you'. Not just the 14-year-old, 16–year-old, 20-year-old, 30-year-old man holding up arms - but the future generation as well. And also for those who produce the future generation. Because there really is no difference.

A disgrace for civilization. Indeed.

Posted by b on March 8, 2024 at 15:50 UTC | Permalink

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